Volume 23 (2023)
Volume 22 (2022)
Volume 21 (2021)
Volume 20 (2020)
Volume 19 (2019)
Volume 18 (2018)
Volume 17 (2017)
Volume 16 (2016)
Volume 15 (2015)
Volume 14 (2014)
Volume 13 (2013)
Volume 12 (2012)
Volume 11 (2011)
Volume 10 (2010)
A Critical Review on the Book A Realist Theory of Science

Maryam Poostforush; Mostafa Taqavi

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, , Pages 103-127


  Different narratives have been offered so far of the nature of science and scientific activity. Roy Bhaskar as one of the leading critical realists seeks to set the ground for a Copernican Revolution in the philosophy of science which seems to have been handled well by him. To this end, he proceeds   ...  Read More

A Critique of the Book Understanding Social Science from the Perspective of Actor-Network Theory

Rahman Sharifzadeh

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 199-221


   Roger Trigg’s Understanding Social Science does a good job of criticizing positivist and deterministic approaches to social science, either biological, social, or psychological. In the context of critical realism, Trigg criticizes in a good and detailed way many of the common dichotomies, ...  Read More

An Evaluation of Theorizing in Islamic Economy in Critical Realism Perspective with an Emphasis on the Ideas of Roy Bhaskar

Seyed Mohammad Taghi Movahed Abtahi

Volume 20, Issue 5 , August 2020, , Pages 307-326


  Lack of theory is among the main challenges of Islamic social sciences.  Some experts have attempted to theorize by suggesting philosophical and methodological subjects. The book  “Theorizing in Islamic Economy, Analyzing the Possibility of scientific Theorizing in Islamic Economy and ...  Read More

Book Criticism:The Possibility of Universal Interpretation of Religion: Man’s Responses to the Transcendence

amir sadeqi; maryam saneapour

Volume 19, Issue 1 , April 2019, , Pages 131-152


  In the recent decades, religious pluralism has been extensively discussed as a theory that claims to establish reconciliation between the religious diversities based on an interpretation of the absolute truth. John Hick, as one of the main theoreticians in this field, has presented a comprehensive discussion ...  Read More