The"Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni"(Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) has started its scientific activity in order to improve the knowledge in the field of humanities in the country, and it has been developed according to the necessity of authentic and direct encounters with the best humanities texts of Iran and the world with the aim of expanding the critical literature in the scientific community of the country. It invites the researchers and scholars of the field and university to make the magazine a mirror of their reflections and scientific research by sending their valuable articles in the following fields:

  1. Reviewing and criticizing reference books in the fields of "Economics", "Theology and Religions", "History", "Civilization", "Sociology", "Jurisprudence and Law", "Philosophy", "Political Sciences", "Management and Policy", and "Science and Technology Studies
  2. Reviewing and criticizing the scientific schools of humanities in the above disciplines based on their main texts
  3. Criticizing the foundations of theories and programs of humanities through the lens of re-reading and criticizing reference and stream-building sources and books
  4. Reflections and research about the foundations of the evolution of humanities and the connection of humanities and Islamic sciences with regard to their main texts