Note: If the respected author has received support and financial help from an institution or organization in completing his/her article, he/she should mention this issue to be included on the article's first page.
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*** Note that the Quarterly"Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni" (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) is committed to adhering to the principles of professional ethics. This journal has not yet gained definite membership of the international Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), though it is in compliance with the rules of (COPE) in respecting the rules of publications ethics and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Preventing and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works. Further details are provided in the "Ethical Principles of Article Publishing" section, which must be read in full before submitting a paper.
Terms and Conditions for Acceptance and Publication of a paper in Quarterly"Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni" (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences)"
- Guideline for Using the Website (Sending and Following the Papers) (Click here)
- General Principles in Accepting and Releasing the Papers in the Journal
2.1 In this journal, only research papers that are validated in the peer-review process are published. Other invalid papers in terms of content or structure are not published.
2.2 Translated papers from other languages cannot be published.
2.3 Manuscripts submitted to any journal should fit the subject and approach of the journal.
2.4 Each manuscript will be received and evaluated only through the website of institute .
2.5 journal Therefore, the authors of the manuscripts should upload and submit the files of their manuscripts to the journal website.
2.6 Submitted manuscripts should not be published in any other domestic or foreign journals. Also, after accepting the manuscript for publication, the author is not allowed to publish it in other journals.
2.7 The initial acceptance of a manuscript is conditioned to its full compliance with all terms and conditions set forth in the "Guideline for Authors" section of the journal.
2.8 The paper accepted in the initial evaluation is entrusted to two referees for expert evaluation. If the opinions of the first and second referees conflict about accepting or rejecting the paper, it will be submitted to the third referee. The final acceptance of the paper is subject to the approval of the editor and editorial board of the journal.
2.9 Authors' affiliations for Reviewers and Reviewers' affiliations for authors remain hidden throughout the peer-review process.
2.10 Each paper will be reviewed within a maximum period of four months, and the result of the review will be announced to the corresponding author of the paper via email.
2.11 The editor-in-chief and editorial board of the journal and the reviewers have full authority over the manuscripts' acceptance, correction, and rejection.
2.12 The general editor of the journal and the editors of the papers have full authority over the formal, technical, and linguistic editing of the manuscripts, but they are not responsible for the editing of the content in any way and have no responsibility for the content of the papers.
2.13 The full responsibility for the accuracy of direct and indirect quotations, the address of the sources of the quotations, and the bibliographic specifications of the references in the bibliography section are solely for the author of the manuscript.
2.14 The corresponding author of the manuscript is obliged to make all corrections that are asked of him/her in the peer-review or editing process of the manuscript. Otherwise, that manuscript will be removed from the peer-review, editing, or publication process.
- Content Features of a Paper in the Journal
3.1 Selection of important and priority books for review; priorities in selecting works for review include the following four items:
3.1.1 Books that are the founders of the scientific tradition (such as Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations"; Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit"; Ibn Arabi's "Fusus al-Hakm" and...)
3.1.2 Books with leading theories in the world of science: the colorfulness of innovative and ijtihad; with more emphasis on domestic thinkers (such as the book "Truth and Method" by Hans Georg Gadamer; "Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism" by Max Weber; "Jurisprudence of Hadith: Narration in Meaning" by Ahmad Paktachi; "Revival of Political Science" by Hossein Bashiriya and...)
3.1.3 Obvious educational books with the most references (such as the book "Sociology" by Anthony Giddens; "Badayeh al-Hikma" by Allameh Tabatabai and...)
3.1.4 Influential books in the scientific community and public culture (such as the book "Theory of Justice" by John Rawls, "Civil Responsibility" by Nasser Katouzian, etc.)
3.2 Mention the reason for choosing the book/theory while explaining the scientific and research motivation of the author in an objective and problem-oriented manner.
3.3 Expressing the historical and theoretical background of the book/theory, including the historical origin and political geography, and scientific tradition(s) related to the subject.
3.4 Expressing the central idea of the book along with its review.
3.5 Sufficient expression of "main arguments" carrying the central idea along with its criticism
3.6 Mention the cultural and civilizational relations of the work/theory with the historical-cultural conditions of Iran today.
Note 1: It is necessary to remember that articles that introduce and review important but less known and mostly unconventional scientific works in the scientific community of the country, especially important books that have not been translated so far, will be Reviewed with priority.
Note 2: It is necessary to focus on the book review instead of the subject in the review article. Also, "generalization" and "ambiguity" should be avoided in the process of criticism, and the ethical manners of scientific criticism should be observed by staying away from any coarse talk and sarcastic expressions on the one hand and any excessively biased praise on the other hand. In addition, it is important to note that expressing the idea of the book in a summary form is completely different from summarizing the book.
Note 3: Criticism and review of textbooks (Textbook) is not a priority for acceptance and printing, except for what is mentioned in the above explanation.
Note 4: The institute welcomes the research paper consisting of scientific-promotional and review papers that reread the current, prioritized, and neglected books in the country's scientific environment, especially non-Persian key books, not criticizing books done in scientific-research papers, and if they have the necessary scientific conditions, they will be published.
- The Structure of a Manuscript
4.1 Text of the manuscript, without mentioning the author'saffiliations, should be typewritten in Microsoft Word 2010. Persian text of the manuscript should be in B Lotus font, font size 13; Latin text in Times New Roman font, font size 10, and Arabic text in B Badr font, font size 13.
4.2 The number of manuscript words should be between 4000 to 8000.
4.3 The manuscript structure should consist of a title page, abstract (maximum two hundred words) and keywords (maximum 5 words), introduction, main text (analysis, explanations, critiques, findings, etc.), conclusion, and bibliography in both English and Persian.
4.3.1 The paper should be short, descriptive, accurate, and contain a clear statement of the issue and content of the article.
Note 1: In papers that are specific to book reviews, the name of the book should be inserted in Persian and English in full and in italics.
Note 2: In papers that are specific to reviews of books in the original language, the name of the book in the original language should be mentioned in the title, and the translation of the book should be inserted in parentheses below the title.
Note 3: In papers that are specific to book reviews, the name of the author of the book should not be included in the Persian or English title.
4.3.2 The author's name and surname, academic rank, and e-mail address of all authors should be entered according to the guidelines of the journal.
Note 1: The names and surnames of all authors should be included in Farsi and English.
Note 2: Scientific rank or academic degree, name of educational or academic field, name of place of study or organizational affiliation (university, research institute, faculty, institute, or...), city name and country name for all authors, in Farsi and English.
Example: Assistant professor of Persian Language and Literature, faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author)., mobile number: 09120000000
Note 3: The corresponding author of the papers with more than one author should be identified.
Note 4: Enter the email address of all authors.
Note 5: The home or work address, zip code, cell phone numbers, and workplace of the corresponding author should be written.
Note 6: All the mentioned specifications should be typed independently of the paper file in Word 2010 software and uploaded together with the paper file on the website of the desired publication.
4.3.3 The summary of the paper should include the statement of the problem, goals, methods, research method, and important results of the research in a maximum of 200 words and in one paragraph;
4.3.4 Keywords, the subject profile of the paper should include a list of specific and emphasized words in the paper in a maximum of 5 words;
Note 1: In papers that are specific to book reviews, the name of the book and its author should not be included in the keyword.
4.3.5 Introduction: including necessities, background, problem definition, literature and basic concepts, method and expression of research goals and aspects of innovation;
4.3.6 Do not refer to any reference in the conclusion.
4.3.7 In the list of references, only the written names used in the paper should be included, and the books that are supposed to be introduced to the author for further reading should be mentioned in the footnotes.
Note 1: In papers that are specific to book reviews, the specifications of the reviewed book should be mentioned in the bibliography; not in the footnotes.
4.4 In papers on economics, JEL classification should be included after the keywords.
4.5 The main title and sub-titles of the manuscript, from the introduction title to the conclusion, should be defined, sorted, and distinguished through numbering.
4.6 Foreign equivalences of unknown indexes and terminology should be entered in parentheses against their Persian equivalents.
4.7 No footnote should be inserted in the text of the manuscript and supplementary explanations should be given in the endnotes.
4.8 All endnotes should be created automatically (in Microsoft Word, via Reference tab, using Endnotes option) at the end of the document so that it can be immediately accessed to their text at the end of the paper by clicking on the note numbers. Therefore, the manuscript will be returned to the author for correction if the endnote numbers are manually typewritten.
4.9 The general specifications of the page size of the articles should be set as follows: (Set from the Page Layout header and from the arrow on the right side of the header.)
Page Setup: Paper Size: A4, Margins: Top: 5.6 cm, Bottom: 5.6 cm, Left: 4.5 cm, Right: 4.5 cm
4.10 The size of tables, charts, images, and maps, etc. should be in accordance with the size of the printed text (max. 18×12 cm.).
4.11 Information in tables, charts, images, etc. should be written in Persian. The decimal sign should only be a diagonal line.
4.12 If tables, charts, images, etc. are obtained from other sources, be sure to indicate the source address.
4.13 All tables should be drawn in Microsoft Word only using the Table option. Tables that are in the form of photographs or drawn using other software are not accepted.
4.14 All formulas should be typed using the “Equation” button in the “Symbols” button group on the right end of the “Insert” tab of Microsoft Word and should not be in any way in the form of photographs.
- Citation Methods
5.1 Quotations
5.1.1 If the number of direct quotation words (words quoted literally from other sources) is less than forty words, they should be inserted in quotation marks and if the number of direct quotations words exceeds forty words, at first the font size of the quotations should be one and a half size smaller than the default font size, and then they should be inserted without quotation marks and in a separate paragraph with one and a half centimeters indentation.
5.1.2 The text of indirect quotations (themes of quotations) should not be inserted in quotation marks.
5.1.3 The source of all direct and indirect quotations should be authentic and not quoted in any way from invalid sources (Wikipedia, etc.). Otherwise, in addition to reducing the score in the manuscript review, all invalid quotations will be removed from the manuscript document.
5.2 Reference bibliographic specifications (in the address of the quotations sources and in the bibliography section)
5.2.1 The bibliographic specifications of references in the address of direct and indirect quotations sources within the text should be briefly recorded in accordance with this style sheet.
5.2.2 The bibliographic specifications of references should be written completely and in accordance with this style sheet at the end of the manuscript text under the title of the bibliography.
5.2.3 The bibliographic section should only include the bibliographic specifications of the references that either a quotation of those references has been stated in the text of the manuscript and whose addresses have been included with those quotations or it has been referred to those references in the manuscript text for further information, and their addresses are also included in those references. Otherwise, all additional sources will be removed from the bibliographies section during the peer-review or editing process.
5.2.4 In general, in-text citation components of the direct and indirect quotations sources, are respectively: the author's surname, publication date, volume number, and the page number.
5.2.5 In general, the complete bibliographic specifications of all references in the bibliography section are, respectively: author's surname, author's name, publication date (between parentheses), the book's name (in italics), book proof-reader or translator's name, book or magazine volume number, place of the edition, and publisher name.
5.2.6 In this style sheet, for brevity, whenever the phrase "example for in-text citation" is used it means "an example of how to record the in-text citation of the source of that quotation".
5.2.7 In this style sheet, for brevity, whenever the phrase "example for bibliography" is used, it means "an example of how to record the complete bibliographic specifications of that source in the bibliography".
5.2.8 The in-text citation of the source of direct and indirect quotations should be written either after or before the quotation texts and after the name of the owner of the quotation.
Example for the first case: (after quotation text)
"Quotation text" (Shaygan 2000: 14)
Example for the second case: (before quotation text)
Spinoza (1960: 14) says: "quotation text"
5.2.9 How to cite a book with a specified author:
Example for in-text citation:
"Quotation text" (Shafiei Kadkani 2011: 244).
According to Kant (181:1964) "quotation text".
Example for bibliography:
Shafiei Kadkani, Mohammad Reza (2011), With Light and Mirror; In Quest of the Roots of Contemporary Iranian Poetry's Transformation, Tehran: Speech.
Kant, Immanuel (1964), Critique of Pure Reason, trans. Norman Kemp Smith, London: Macmillan.
5.2.10 How to cite an book with a unspecified author:
Example for in-text citation:
) Proper and Improper 2011: 55).
Example for bibliography:
Proper and Improper; A Text in Middle Persian (Sasanian Pahlavi) (2011), Transcription and Translation by Katayoun Mazdapour, Tehran: Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
5.2.11 How to cite Encyclopedias whose entries have freelance writers:
Example for in-text citation:
)Mojtaba'i: Under the entry of "Ibn Sina").
Example for bibliography:
Mojtaba'i, Fat'hollah (2008), the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, under the supervision of Mohammad-Kazem Mousavi-Bojnourdi, Vol. 4, under the entry of "Ibn Sina". Tehran: The Great Islamic Encyclopedia.
5.2.12 How to cite Encyclopedias whose entries have no freelance writers:
Example for in-text citation:
(Persian Encyclopedia (2001): Under the entry of "Democracy").
Example for bibliography:
Persian Encyclopedia (2001), under the supervision of Gholamhossein Mosaheb, Vol. 1, under the entry of "Democracy", Tehran: Amir Kabir.
5.2.13 How to cite an article published in the form of a series of articles by various authors:
In this case, the article author's surname should be entered in in-text citation, and in the bibliography, firstly, it should be entered the surname and name of the article author and then other bibliographic characteristics of the source.
Example for in-text citation:
(Locke 2002: 7).
Example for bibliography:
Locke, John, "About Faith and Reason, and Their Distinct Provinces", in: A Journey in the Heaven of Spirit; Articles and Topics on Spirituality, Translated by Mostafa Malekian, Tehran: Negahe Moaser.
5.2.14 How to cite an author's introduction to a book by one or more other authors:
In this case, the surname of the author of the introduction should be entered in in-text citation and in the bibliography, firstly, the surname and name of the author of the introduction and then other bibliographical specifications of the source.
should be enteredE xample for in-text citation:
(Malekian 2003: 7)
Example for bibliography:
Malekian, Mostafa (2003), An Introduction to: Letter to a priest, Simone Weil, Translated by Forouzan Rasekhi, Tehran: Negahe Moaser.
5.2.15 How to cite material from one person (philosopher, policy maker, etc.) through another person's writing:
Example for in-text citation:
"Quotation text" (Hegel, Russell cited 1994: vol. 2, 998).
Kierkegaard (Copleston cited, 1965: vol. 7, 337) says: "quotation text".
Example for bibliography:
Russell, Bertrand (1994), A History of Western Philosophy, Translated by Najaf Daryabandari, vol. 2, Tehran: Parvaz Book.
Copleston, Frederick Charles (1965), A History of Philosophy, vol. 7, New York: Image Books.
5.2.16 How to cite dissertations and theses:
Example for in-text citation:
(Kabiri 1998: 93).
Example for bibliography:
Kabiri, Laya (2006), The Culture of Persian Adjectives Capacity, graduate thesis, Hamedan: Department of Linguistics, Abu Ali Sina University.
5.2.17 How to cite printed and electronic publications, including biannual journal, quarterly journal, newspaper, and so on, whose material has independent authors:
Example for in-text citation:
(Amir Arjmandi & Assi 1994: 78).
(Rosenkranz 2017: 98)
Example for "bibliography" about printed publications:
Amir Arjmandi, Seyedeh Nazanin & Seyed Mostafa Assi (2013), "Productivity in Persian Compounding Processes", Scientific-research biannual journal of Linguist, vol. 4, no. 1.
Example for "bibliography" about eJournal:
Silvermint, Daniel (2018), "Passing as Privileged", Ergo (An Open Access Journal of Philosophy), vol. 5, no. 1:
5.2.18 How to cite journals that do not have a freelance writer:
Example for in-text citation:
(Shargh Newspaper 2017: 2)
Example for bibliography:
Shargh Newspaper (October 30, 2017), "Political Crime Now with the Jury- The Article 168 of the Constitution Finally Revive" no. 2999.
5.2.19 Inserting the page number in the direct quotation source address is absolutely imperative, but it is not necessary for the indirect quotation source address.
According to Kant (1960): Indirect quotation text.
Indirect quotation text (Rawls, 1975)
5.2.20 If there has been cited several works by the same author with the same publication date, after their publication date, the abjad numerals in Persian and Arabic sources and the English alphabet (A , B, C. ...) in Latin sources should be entered, so that those works can be distinguished.
Example for in-text citation:
(Zarrinkoob, 2000a: vol. 2, 744).
(Zarrinkoob, 2000b: 125).
Example for bibliography:
Zarrinkoob, Abdolhossein (2000a), Secret of the Reed; critical and comparative analysis of Rumi's Masnavi, Vol. 2, Tehran: Elmi.
Zarrinkoob, Abdolhossein (2000b), the research on sufism and mystisism in Persian history, Tehran: Amir Kabir.
5.2.21 How to cite a text with two authors:
Example for in-text citation:
(Anvari & Givi 2013: vol. 2, 89)
Example for bibliography:
Anvari, Hassan & Hassan Ahmadi Givi (2014), Persian Grammar, vol. 2, Tehran: Fatemi.
5.2.22. How to cite a text with three authors:
Example for in-text citation:
(Gall et al. 2007: 645).
(Ibrahimov et al, 2002: 23)
Example for bibliography:
Gall, Meredith, Walter Borg, & Joyce Gall (2007), Educational Research: An Introduction, Translated by Ahmad Reza Nasr et al., Tehran: Samt.
Ibrahimov, Oktay, Ishwar Sethi, & Nevenka Dimitrova (7117), “Clustering of Imperfect Transcripts Using a Novel Similarity Measure”, in: Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications, Anni R. Coden, Eric W. Brown, and Savitha Srinivasan (eds. .), New York: Springer.
5.2.23. In recording in-text citations of the quotations source, whenever the author of the new source is the same as the author of the previous source, instead of repeating the author's surname and publication date, the word "the same" in Persian references and the word "ibid." in English sourcesshould be used.
5.2.24 In recording in-text citation of the source, of the quotation, if, besides being the author of the new source and the author of the previous source, the source page number is also the same, only the word "the same" should be used and if, only the page number of the new source differs from that of the previous one, the page number should also be entered after the word "the same".
5.2.25 In the bibliography, if several works by one author are cited in the manuscript text, the author's name and surname, in all cases, should be fully written and no line, dot, etc. should be drawn instead.
5.2.26 In the bibliography, first the bibliographic specifications of the Persian and Arabic sources and then the bibliographic specifications of the Latin sources, etc., should be written in alphabetical order according to the authors' surnames.
5.2.27 In bibliography, the first letter of Latin words (except, prepositions, conjunctions, and articles) should be capitalized. Also, the first letter of the words that are connected by half-line should be capitalized.
- References
6.1 Here, reference only means that the author, to inform the audience, and to observe brevity or to prevent verbiage, introduces a source or sources about the intended subject to the audience or invites them to consider the specific material that has been written in his or her work or that of others, without quoting or repeating the details in his or her writing.
6.2 In references, always instead of "refer to", "look at", "compare with", and so on, and also the abbreviations of them, just the word "see" in Persian texts and "see" or "also see" in English textsshould be used.
6.3 In all references, before using the word "see", it is always best to state the aspect or the purpose of the referral to the audience, for example, it can be said: "for further information", "for comparison", and so on, or "see that source" or "see that topic in this text".
(For further information, see Wittgenstein 2002: 24-68).
(For comparison, see Forouzan Far (2000: 3: 74-160).
(For further information on how to cite theses in this style sheet, see Section 4.2.16).
Content Section: Secretariat of the Humanities Texts and Book Reviews Council
Structural Section: Reza Hosseini, Editor-in-Chief of Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Institute.