The process of scientifically and professionally reviewing and evaluating and the decision-making stages of  articles in the journal The Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences)

The "Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni" (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) is an interdisciplinary journal which is specialized in criticism and consists of several specialties in the field of humanities and has 9 specialized working groups in the fields of economics, history, social sciences, political sciences, jurisprudence and law, Management and Policymaking, philosophy and theology . Therefore, the process of reviewing manuscripts is done by experts in the relevant field of research, and the specialized secretaries of each group do a preliminary review of manuscripts by presenting manuscripts in their working group meetings, which consist of professors from the country’s leading universities. Without breaching the confidentiality and without knowing the names and identities of the authors, they examined the manuscripts scientifically in order to ensure the high quality of them. However, the final acceptance or rejection of the manuscript is not the responsibility of the specialized reviewers, but the final decision regarding the publication of the manuscript is made by the members of the editorial board, which is based on the reviewers’ comments and review of the manuscript; the main decision maker is the editor.

In general, the process of submitting and reviewing manuscripts is as follows:

- Submitting a manuscript through the publications system;

- Editor’s preliminary review: In this step, it is checked whether the manuscript is in line with the goals and prospects of the journal. If yes, it will be submitted to the secretary of the relevant group, but otherwise the manuscript will be declared inadmissible;

- Presenting the manuscript in the meeting of the specialized working group based on the goals, perspectives, and criteria of the publication by the specialized secretaries: After submitting the manuscript to the secretary of the specialized group, the manuscript is examined in the regular monthly sessions of the group in the following aspects:

1. The manuscript has a critical approach, and this approach is well explained in the abstract and in the text of the manuscript.

2. The manuscript is qualified for submission to the reviewer scientifically and in terms of content.

3. The manuscript has used up-to-date and reliable sources in the world.

4. The manuscript is innovative.

5. Journal’sstyle sheet has observed in it.

If it is not qualified, the manuscript will be rejected.

In case of initial acceptance, the manuscript will be submitted to the reviewers by the secretary. It will be submitted to the reviewers along with "Guidelines for the preparation of articles about the critique of scientific-research journal of  "Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni”(Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences), which is dedicated to book critique articles, theory and educational planning, as well as the forms of reviewing manuscripts; the reviewers will review the manuscripts according to the submitted guidelines.

- Submitting the result of the peer-review by the secretary of the specialized group to the editor;

- In case of refusal, reject the manuscript and inform the author; and in case of approval by the reviewers, inform the author of the reviewers' comments to revise the manuscript.

- Re-reviewing the manuscript submitted by the author by the group secretary and submitting it to the final reviewer;

- Presenting the manuscript in the journal’s editorial board;

- Requesting for improvements of the manuscript by the editorial members or rejection of the manuscript and inform the author;

- Submitting the improved manuscript by the author;

- Reviewing of the manuscript by the Deputy Editor;

- Reviewing of the manuscript by the specialized secretary;

- Sending a letter to inform the author of publication charge ;

- Acceptance of the manuscript: After accepting the manuscript, since each issue of the journal belongs to a specialized group, the article will be placed in the ready-to-publish articles section until the group’s turn comes.

Diagram of the review process of manuscripts in the Journal of “Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni" (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences)