Journal Full Name: Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni

(Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) 


Electronic ISSN: 2383-1650

Place of Publication: Iran, Tehran

Publisher: Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies

Scientific Management: Council for the Study of Humanities Texts and Books

Initial publication year: 2010

Discipline: Humanities

Sub-Discipline: Interdisciplinary

Specialization or Field of the Journal: Book Review, Theory Review, Curriculum Review

Subject Area of ​​the Journal:  "Economy", "Theology and Religions", "History and Civilization", "Sociology", "Political Sciences", "Jurisprudence and Law", "Philosophy", "Management and Policymaking" and "Science and Technology Studies"

Journal Language: Persian (English Abstract)

Journal Credit: Scientific (View details)

(View details) Type of Articles: Original Research, Review Paper, Book Review

Publication Type: Electronic

            Publication Period: Quarterly (since January 2023 (Dey 1401)

Costs for Reviewing and Publishing the Article: Yes (View details)

Type of Refereeing: At Least 2 Reviewers, Double-Blind Peer Review (View details)

Initial Screening Time: 10 Days

Refereeing Time: Minimum Three Months to Maximum Six Months

Acceptance Rate: 35%

Access to Articles: Free (Full Text)

Access and Publishing Policy: Open Access

Access Type: Open Access to PDF

Copyright: Creative Commons License CC-BY

Journal Management System: Powered by Sinaweb

Indexed: Yes (View details)

Journal Ranking by Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology(2022): A Ranking

Status at ISC in 1400: Q4 in Arts and Humanities (see details)

Impact Factor: 0.108

Former Name of the Journal: Quarterly Journal of Humanities

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Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) is a quarterly journal that contains specialized material in the field of humanities and was first published as "Quarterly Journal of Humanities" in the spring of 1379, and until the spring of 1388, 19 issues of this journal were published in 15 volumes with the same name. From numbers 6 and 7 onwards, this journal's publication order has been changed from quarterly to bi-quarterly. After that, from numbers 20 to 37, this journal has been released as "Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences" quarterly journal, from numbers 38 to 47 bimonthly, from numbers 48 to 109 as a monthly and finally from number 110 until now, it is published quarterly.

The approach of the Pizhuhish nāmah-i intiqādī-i mutūn va barnāmah hā-yi ̒ulūm-i insāni (Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences) is to publish book review articles, critical theory, and curriculum. However, it is not the common sense of Book Reviews, but a review that is tailored to the publication in a scientific-research journal and respects the format, methodology, and content rules of such articles; therefore, articles submitted to obtain a suitable score for publication in this journal should include the following sections and specifications:


 1.Introducing the book

It is desirable to make a useful and concise book introduction in scientific-research articles which includes the various form and content aspects of the book, in which case it can gain the necessary points. The lengthy introduction of the book in the scientific-research papers and dedicating a large portion of the article to it reduces the paper's rating.

2. Methodical review

In the methodical review section of the work, together with the cases and examples of methodical review, the following issues are mentioned:

- Addressing the theoretical and methodological framework of the reviewed work;

- Addressing the theoretical coherence and internal logic of the reviewed work;

- Addressing the theoretical and methodical contradictions of the text;

- Addressing the correspondence of methodology with the subject and its proposal.

3. Format review

In the format review section of the work, it is necessary to include the following items along with mentioning the items and examples:

- Addressing the accordance with general and writing rules;

- Addressing the format comprehensiveness of the work and the extent to which scientific tools are used (from content to index).

- Addressing the quality of the publication and the appearance of the reviewed work;

- Formally comparing the work with similar works.

4. Content review

In the content review section of the work, the following should be mentioned, together with the examples:

- Addressing the rational order and coherence of the reviewed work;

- Addressing the validity and adequacy of sources of the reviewed work;

- Addressing the accuracy of citations and references and the principles of citation;

- Addressing the review and scientific analysis of the reviewed work;

- Addressing the updated information and innovations of the reviewed work;

- Addressing the appropriateness and thematic and content comprehensiveness of the work with the educational and curriculum goals and needs, and approved chapters;

- Addressing the correspondence of the work with Islamic principles and attitudes.

5. Quantity and quality of resources

In scientific-research journals, it is crucial to utilize numerous as well as first-hand and up-to-date resources. Especially important is the reference to principle books as well as new articles in the intended field.

 6.Rate of references and citations

In addition to utilizing appropriate resources, the method and rate of referencing the article are also important. Providing the proper citations below the reviewed cases will double the effectiveness of that review.

* For further information, please refer to the file "Guidelines for the Preparation and Editing of Articles of Critical Studies in Texts and Programs of Human Sciences" in the authors' guide section.


Open Access Policy

All articles of the Journal are Open Access. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). That means you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

 Copyright: Under open access license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy the content as long as the original authors and source are cited properly.


Peer-Review Policy
The peer review process in journal is double-blinded in which the reviewer’s name is unknown to the author and, vice versa.
Submitted articles go through a structural and subject evaluation to align with journal principles. Matches go through a double-blind peer review by three field experts (non-editorial staff) chosen by the Board based on specialty. The Board makes the final article selection.
Duties of Reviewers:
- Assist editor in decision-making and potentially help authors improve papers through editorial communication.
- Decline reviews if unqualified or unable to promptly review.
- Treat manuscripts as confidential documents and avoid unauthorized sharing.
- Conduct objective reviews, avoiding personal criticism and providing clear, supported feedback.
- Identify relevant, uncited published work and report potential plagiarism or overlap with other publications.
- Maintain confidentiality of information and ideas, avoiding personal gain or reviewing papers with conflicts of interest.

Self-archiving policies for authors
Authors are permitted to post their work online in institutional/disciplinary repositories or on their own websites. Pre-print versions posted online should include a citation and link to the final published version in this Journal as soon as the issue is available; post-print versions (including the final publisher's PDF) should include a citation and link to the journal's website