Document Type : Research




Among the works of Yevgeny Zamyatin, the novel “We” is of significant importance. The novel was authored in 1920, but was not published in the Soviet Union until the year 1988 due to its “anti-revolutionary” content.
This article will first touch upon the topics discussed in the works of Zamyatin and will then provide the viewpoints of the author regarding the system of government in the Soviet Union after the October 1917 Revolution. In the novel “We”, Zamyatin provides a futuristic perspective of the Soviet Union thousands of years ahead and portrays the socio-political situation of the union in case the pledges made by the leaders and theoreticians of the Communist system are realized.
The novel “We” by Zamyatin is a novel with a critical theme in which the author endeavors to bring to mind the impacts of submersion in materialistic affairs and failing to heed moral and human values.
The image Zamyatin provides of the utopia drawn by the theoreticians of the Soviet system is one in which the people live an affluent lifestyle and enjoy equal welfare but are not prosperous in the absence of creativity and religious and human values. They feel confined by the world of materialism.


Main Subjects

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