Document Type : Research



Anna Gurenko better known by her pen name as Akhmatova, an old Tartar name, is the most popular contemporary Russian poetess, who “taught women how to speak”. Together with Nikolai Gumilev and four other poets, she founded the School of Akmeism in Russia. Akhmatova’s poems contain various issues including love. Among her romantic poems, love of the homeland is the most prominent theme. Political affairs of Russia (Soviet) led her to be known as a national epic elegist poet. She expressed her religious-philosophical ideas about life and its meaning through her poems. Her heroes all have the concern of saving and protecting their homeland. Akhmatova, who called herself “Oriental Girl”, has poems with oriental traits. She found wisdom and knowledge among oriental people, and believed that oriental nature was wonderful. Akhmatova’s poems are illuminated with the “pearls” of Saady’s words. The sound of oriental rivers and singing of oriental birds echo in her oriental poems, and they smell of Iranian Jasmine. In this article, we have tried to introduce Akhmatova and describe some of the features of her poems. We also studied some of her oriental-Iranian poems and the reasons for saying such poems in order to learn about her idea regarding oriental nature, culture and wisdom, and find out what did the orient mean to Akhmatova


Main Subjects

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