Document Type : Research



Literary schools and methods and goals and characteristics is present of  the Maghreb in terms it is a land with it would have to examine the Western schools sponsored by the environmental protection organization and should not be in this regard, the author of literary schools of the East makes efforts to writing native features and their effect on local forget .Joseph Eid the author's book " are author the Easter and to review the various literary schools West and try to put  the literary characteristics of the Maghreb schools and land on the steps of the Arabic literary first volume run and assigned to theoretical and theoretical schools and check volume II apparently to review and adapt the lyrics and texts with the theory and layout that has raised a few drawbacks first volume on its effectiveness have entered most of them Be pointed to the lack of appropriateness of the volume and content of the book for a course of two and a single appearance and updated the scientific character of the authors in the book and not the appropriateness of the content the book with obscure terminology learners abilities due to a lack of definition and for it and is not a review of literary schools in two books and a lack of comprehensiveness and to point the  text in this study was to review and analysis of the book the authors dedicated to prominent descriptive manner We've divided the action.


Main Subjects

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