Document Type : Research



Review and critical analysis of scientific production has led to the recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of past writings. and As a result, the avoidance from weaknesses and strengthen strengths will follow. thus it can be said that to receive to Ideal in the Compilation of academic resources is possible only after constructive criticisms.
So, and for response to a request from Council review of academic resources from Office of Humanities Research in the Ministry of Science, the book "History of Arabic Literature in the Era of Mamluki and Osmnns" by dear colleague, Dr. Jahangir Amiri, has been reviewed.
The results of this analysis show that this book, despite some strong points that the most appears is succinctly and facilities for students, but unfortunately has a lot of shortcomings in the areas of form and content.
The main apparent defect in this book are: Paragraphs long and multi-line, confusion and lack of uniformity in references and declaration the people and characters in footnotes. and most substantive deficiencies include: The lack of accurate timing and lack of logical sequence of topics in some chapters, the choice of titles and topics are inappropriate for some chapters, the lack of fit between the book's content and syllabus of that course, and finally the lack of analysis and criticism and thus lack of innovation and creation of knowledge.
In the hope, that Dear Author through review and remove of the listed defects cause improved scientific quality in this academic book.


Main Subjects

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