Document Type : Research



fter Arabs’ contacts with the Western civilization during the colonial invasion of Western imperialist countries, a large number of intellectuals and Arab writers, before and after the World War II, were impressed by the Western advancements in various fields. They observed the Western civilization closely as successive cultural missions has been dispatched to Western nations since the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha to this day. They have tried to apply what they have learned and taught it to the Arab nations without considering the fundamental principles of the Arab nations and their Islamic culture.
The book of the convex mirrors (from structure to deconstruction), by Dr. Abdul Aziz Hammouda, is a welcome step for debunking Western criticism and restoring the confidence of the Arabs in their glorious culture. The author was a professor of English language and literary criticism in Egyptian and Arab universities. The book consists of four chapters,  a preface, references, and some information about the author. The print quality of the book, the typesetting, and the layout of the book are good. Its cover design comares with the firm design of the series in “the world of knowledge”. The style is good and the diction is fluent and eloquent. The book does not include an introduction to justify the production of book. The author had used all means and scientific methods common in scientific research.
The book suffers from overlaps and repetitions and lacks a logical sequence of ideas, but the literary and critical terms are accurate.
The book is not a methodology book and has not been written for this purpose. The book is not based a method of teaching, nor it follows the principles of material design, but it can be used as a reference source or a complement to familiarize students with literary criticism.
The author has simplified the difficult philosophical concepts of modernism and make them more accessible to readers by removing the ambiguities, which is a significant achievement in its own right and other critics have failed to do.


Main Subjects

حمودة، عبد العزیز (1998). المرایا المحدّبة (من البنیویة إلى التفکیک)، الکویت: المجلس الوطنی للثقافة والفنون والآداب، الطبعة الأولى.
العامری، شاکر أحمد (1382). «الشعر العربی المعاصر فی الکویت»، تحت إشراف الدکتور محمد حسن فؤادیان، قسم اللغة العربیة وآدابها، جامعة طهران، (أطروحة دکتوراه).
العلی، محمد بن عبدالعزیز (1414ق). «الحداثة فی العالم العربی دراسة عقدیة [عقیدیة]»، بإشراف الدکتور ناصر العقل، قسم العقیدة والمذاهب المعاصرة، کلیة أصول الدین، الریاض (أطروحة دکتوراه).
العمری، أکرم ضیاء (1417ق/ 1997م). منهج النقد عند المحدِّثین مقارناً بالمنهج الغربی، الریاض: دار إشبیلیا.
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