Document Type : Research



For modern researchers, various books and texts open a gate to the knowledge about ancient consequences of civilizations. Criticism, however, not only unfolds the facts and characteristics of the text body as well as examining the capability of the compiler or translator, it also recognizes different domains from intellectual facilities to the type of writing and translation. Finding the strength and weakness points of the book, “Islamic Civilization in Abbasid Era”, from compilation and translation perspective, the compiler and translator seem to have keenly been motivated to present the consequences of civilization in Abbasid era, an effort in which they could successfully fulfill the aim.
The study shows that the strength points are positively more than weaknesses. Having Shariah- based approach, the compiler has been capable to propose the consequences of Islamic civilization from various domains. The translator, in turn, has not only strived to fill a gap in Persian works by selecting such book, he also succeeds to deliver an appropriate material to the students with a very little imperfection in translation.


Main Subjects

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