Document Type : Research



Abstract :
“ Early Mongol Rull In Thirteenth Century Iran ; A Persian Renaissance “ by George Lain is a different study on Hulako’s invasion to Iran and Ilkhanid’s dynasty  stublishment. The study based on two claims : firstly , Hulako’s coming to Iran is not a aggression _ such as Chingiz invasion _ but it is a Hulako’s accepting to Iranian invitaition. Secondly, stublishment of Ilkhanid dynasty acts as restoring of Persian culture.
George Lain applied  ‘Persian Renaissance’ to sign to the claims.But seems that it’s necessary to criticies the claims . therefore the essay try to answer to some questions: What is the bases of the different authore’s view ? What is the sources which authore has used from, and how he exploit them ? Is there any relation between “ Persian Renaissance” and politic – cultural conditions in early Ilkhanid period?
The essay discuse these questions with intra and extra structural critique.


Main Subjects

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