Document Type : Research



This work consists of three parts: the study of the work bibliography, the presentation of the theoretical framework of our critical analysis and finally the critical content of the work. First, we studied the work bibliography. Then, we presented our theoretical framework for studying the content of the work. Finally, we tried to evaluate the content of his work, according to the order of its presentation.
We tried to show that Cyr wants to present a research current formed around the concept of "learning strategies of the good learner" around 1975 in North America. We found that the lack of theoretical basis leads the author into the glaring contradictions. The problematics are numerous and the answers are unconvincing. We also noted that the contributions of cognitive psychology and those of research in language acquisition, two highly influential areas of SL teaching, are not taken into account in the arguments. Generally, limiting itself to the simple presentation and depriving himself of a solid theoretical framework, the book seems unconstructive.


Main Subjects

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Bogaards, P. (1991). Aptitude et affectivité dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères, Paris: Didier.
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Corder, S. P. (1981). Error Analysis and Interlanguage, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Cyr, P. (1998). Les stratégies d’apprentissage, Paris: CLE International
Fayol, M. M. et Monteil J.M. (1994). “Note de synthèse [stratégies d’apprentissage/ apprentissage de stratégies]”, in Revue française de pédagogie, Vol. 106.
Klein, W. (1989). L’acquisition de langue étrangère, Paris: Armand Colin.
Perraudeau, M. (2010). Les stratégies d’apprentissage. Comment accompagner les élèves dans l’appropriation, Paris: Armand Colin.
Poulisse, N. (1991). “Critique d’Oxford, R. L. Language Learning Strategies, What every Teacher should know”, in The Canadian Modern Language Review, Vol 47 #2.
Vygotski, L. (1934/1985). Pensée et langage. Trduction de Françoise Sève, Paris: Editions sociales.