Document Type : Research



Translation Studies is a branch of human sciences which studies theoretical and operational aspects systematically. As this new branch is being taught in many unuversities all around the world, a through introduction to its educational sources is crutial. This article is an attempt to introduce Introduction to Translation Studies a book written by Mathieu Guidère. This book written in ten chapters analizes  Translation Studies  issues and challenges by the time it founded up to now, by focusing on educational aspects gives an overview of Translation Studies. This book is the first of a collection named "Traducto" by Mathieu Guidère


Main Subjects

Farnoud, Esmaeel (2015). Traduction et cognition, Presses Académiques Francophones (PAF), Saarbrücken.
Guidère, Mathieu (2008). Introduction à la traductologie, De Boeck, Bruxelles.
Holmes, James (1972). The Name and Nature of Translation Studies, Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Copenhagen.
Hutchins, John (1993). Vers une nouvelle époque en traduction automatique, Troisièmes Journées Scientifiques LTT, Montréal.
Larose, Robert (1998). “Méthodologie de l'évaluation des traductions”, Meta: journal des traducteurs, Vol. 43, No. 2.
Lynne, Franjié (2009). Introduction à la Traductologie, Mathieu Guidère, Traduire, 220.
Lederer, Marianne (1994). La traduction aujord’hui, Hachette. Paris.
Peraldi, Sandrine (2010). Traduction assistée par ordinateur: entre théorie et pratique, Les Cahiers du GEPE, N°2.
Reiss, Katharina (2012). Problématiques de la traduction, ed. Economica, Paris.