Document Type : Research



The present article consists of two parts: In the first part, I have analyzed Le point sur l'approche communicative en didactique des langues based on its content: In a first approach, I have studied the extent to which the author has used the mentioned sources. I have then processed the weak and strong points following the order of the presentation on the chapters: I have shown on one hand, how Claude Germain has briefly provided his explanations and has problematized them. He has illustrated his statements by examples based on field studies. On the other hand, I have proven that his clarifications have often proven to be incomplete; the specialist has maybe been driven by the hypothesis that the readers of this book have in their disposal a profound knowledge in didactics. In the second part, I have based my criticism on the problems caused by the Persian translation of specialized terms as well as general French. The first category of problems concerns adding in translation, confusing terms, neglecting the context, proposing different equivalents for a same term, not using Persian equivalents in use and insufficient explanations of the translator in the footnotes. The second classification of the problems is related to the negligence of the context/expressions and forgetting certain words in translation.


Main Subjects

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