Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Japanese Language and Literature, University of Tehran


The present study is an attempt to introduce and review primary education of Japanese language textbook “Minna no Nihongo” that was republished after almost15 years in 2012 by 3A corporation with some changes in content and revision of previous edition. At the present time, foreign language version of this work is prepared in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, German, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, and Vietnamese languages and is used very widely in universities and language education centers around the world included department of Japanese language and literature in university of Tehran. As a matter of fact, characteristics such as drawing up by group work, revision of previous edition, and drawing up of various supplementary books for covering four skills of language are the main factors that this work is one of the essential textbooks in the world. However, there are still some weak points for this work. The present article attempts to examine the characteristics, strong points and weak points of the work.


Main Subjects

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Textbook Ad hoc for Japanese Language Education (2007). Manabou Nihongo (Letʼs Learn Japanese), Vols. 1,2, Tokyo: Senmon Kyouiku Publishing.