Document Type : Research


the center for cultural heritage and tourism


This is a review article of the book “Sociolinguistics (Language Planning of Persian and Linguistic Attitudes)’’ by Negar Davari Ardakani, with the cooperation of Azardokht Jalilian. To do so, form and content of the book are reviewed critically. In those parts of the book which contain results of the fieldworks of the main writer of the book, there seems to be important and useful points and findings for language planning of Persian. Regarding the form, some of the important shortcomings of the book are lack of attention to the conventions of orthography and punctuation of Persian and ignoring rules of giving reference to the resources. Regarding the content, lack of attention to the cohesion and coherence of whatever is discussed in the book can be easily understood. In addition, there are several cases of repetitions of the same materials in different parts of the book. Also, some parts of the texts being like a translated text, questionable equivalents selected for some of the non- Persian terms and words, and in some cases, unacceptable quantity of the materials quoted from other writers are among the other shortcomings of the book.


Main Subjects

تکمیل همایون، ناصر (1355)، «گفتاری در جامعه ­شناسی زبان»، فرهنگ و زندگی، شمارۀ 21 و 22، ص89-62.
تکمیل همایون، ناصر (1367)،درآمدی بر جامعه ­شناسی زبان، تهران: پژوهشگاه علوم انسانی و مطالعات فرهنگی.
نگار داوری اردکانی، آذردخت جلیلیان (با همکاری) (1392)، جامعه ­شناسی زبان (برنامه ­ریزی زبان فارسی و نگرش­ های زبانی)، تهران: جامعه ­شناسان.
Figueroa, Esther (1994), SociolinguisticMetatheory, Oxford: Pergamon.
Perry, John R. (2003), “Language Reform in Turkey and Iran”, Men of Order:Authoritarian Modernization in Turkey and Iran, edited by Touraj Atabaki and Erik Jan Zurcher, Pp. 240- 258.[1]
Perry, John R. (1999), “Comparative Perspectives of Language Planning in Iran and Tajikistan”, Language and Society in the Middle East and North Africa: Studies in Variation and Identity, edited by Yasir Suleiman, Pp. 154- 173.
Wardhaugh, Ronald (2006), An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.