Document Type : Research


Professor of Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran


Talisman is a constant motif of global culture, recognized by symbols like ring, bracelet, necklace or things like these, which contain incantations, prays, or symbols. The subject of talisman also covers a part of literature, and writers and poets throughout the world, including the Russians, have used it in their works. Aleksandr Kuprin, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov and Anna Akhmatova, who have been in contact with eastern religions and cultures in some ways, brought talisman in their works with some eastern characteristics and relations with eastern cultures. In this study, after a short introduction about the root of the word “talisman”, and referring to the works of some Russian writers and poets with the subject of talisman, we take a look at three works of Alexander Pushkin: “In the Hidden Cave, on the Day of Following and Persecution”, “Be my Protector, my Talisman” and “The Talisman”, in which the poet has referred to this subject. In each of these poems, talisman has an extraordinary power. In Pushkin’s works containing talisman motif, there is no item like ring, bracelet or necklace, and the theme of his poems is derived from eastern religions and cultures, and given his life conditions and while Tsar government were constantly threatening him, the  talisman is a shelter for him. 


Main Subjects

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