Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Humanities and Cultural Studies Institute


The purpose of this study was the pathology of text criticism in the humanities in the country from the view of some scholars and critics in this field. To this end, a sample of referees in the field of humanities who were available and had cooperation with the literature review and humanities books Council was selected to review the books and assessment tools. These tools were built and set based on the several years of experience on the part of the researcher. The results showed that the most important damages of humanities book criticism in mentioned Council are related to structural function of groups, damages such as incomplete groups, comprehensiveness; lack of identification of empowered professors in the country and defects in the refereescommunity. Finally, practical suggestions and strategies are provided based on these results in order to promote criticisms in the field of humanities in the country.


Main Subjects

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