Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, University of Kashan


One of the most important subjects for investigation in the humanities, especially in philosophy and theology, is the comparative investigation. Today in many countries, comparative philosophy is an independent discipline that has different especial methods and investigators. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, after the Islamic Revolution, many thinkers tried to conduct studies on the comparative subjects and published different books and articles about these subjects as well as the comparative philosophy itself. Dr. Mahdi Haeri Yazdi is one the contemporary Islamic thinkers that has investigated comparative philosophy by publishing different books and articles in this area. In this article, we try to re-study one of his books about comparative philosophy drawing on a critical approach. The author in his book, “HerameHasti” (Pyramid of Being)has tried to notice to some philosophical problems, comparing Islamic philosophy and Western philosophy and logic. In this article, we try to show that his book has some internal and methodical pitfalls although it has different merits for comparative investigations in philosophy, theology, and logic.


Main Subjects

آشتیانی، میرزا مهدی، 1377، اساس التوحید، به تصحیح سید جلال الدین آشتیانی، تهران، انتشارات امیر کبیر
ابن‌سینا، 1403 ق،  الاشاراتوالتنبیهات، شرح نصیرالدین طوسی، شرح الشرح قطب الدین رازی، قم، نشر البلاغه.
ارسطو، 1379، متافیزیک، ترجمه‌ی شرف الدین خراسانی، تهران، انتشارات حکمت
حائری یزدی، 1385، هرم هستی: تحلیلی از مبادی هستی‌شناسی تطبیقی، تهران، مؤسسه‌ی پژوهشی حکمت و فلسفه ایران
حائری یزدی، مهدی، 1382، خاطرات دکتر مهدی حائری یزدی، بی جا انتشارات کتاب نادر
کمالی، علی اکبر، 1383، دولت انتخابی اسلامی و مردم سالاری (بررسی آراء شیخ محمد مهدی شمس الدین و دکتر مهدی حائری یزدی)، تهران، انتشارات کویر
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Blocker, H. Gene, 1991, World Philosophy: An East-West Comparative Introduction to Philosophy, Ohio University.
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Smid, Robert W, 2009, Methodologies of comparative philosophy : the pragmatist and process traditions, State University of New York Press.