Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Langauges, University of Tabriz


In the present essay the Persian translation of Routledge History of Philosophy: Renaissance and Seventeenth-century Rationalism is reviewed. This work is volume 4 of the ten ones and was first published in 1993 by Routledge Publications. The editor of this book is J. R. A. Parkinson and the  Persian translator of the book is Seyyed Mostafa Sharaeeni with the editorship of Hassan Fathi. It was  first published in 1392 in Iran.
After a brief introduction of the English text, our article is divided into two parts: 1- Reviewing  the formal aspects of the Persian translation, and 2- Reviewing  the material aspects. For both aspects, we compare some pages of Persian translation with the original text at random. Our relative conclusion reveals that the Persian translation is credible, understandable, and useful for Iranian students of philosophy. Experience and expertise of Persian translator and his attention to the philosophical terms are mainly from factors that make his translation  an academic reliable work. Of course, there are some unwanted slips the correction of which depicts ethical tasks and philosophical originality of translator against readers.


Main Subjects

پارکینسون، جی. اچ. آر. (1392)، تاریخ فلسفۀ غرب: دورۀ نوزایی و عقل­گرایی قرن هفدهم، ترجمۀ سید مصطفی شهرآیینی، انتشارات حکمت و مؤسسۀ پژوهشی حکمت و فلسفۀ ایران، چاپ اول، تهران
تیلور، س. س. و. (1392)، تاریخ فلسفۀ غرب: از آغاز تا افلاطون، ترجمۀ حسن فتحی، انتشارات حکمت و مؤسسۀ پژوهشی حکمت و فلسفۀ ایران، چاپ اول، تهران
حق­شناس، علی­محمد، و همکاران. (1381)، فرهنگ معاصر هزاره انگلیسی- فارسی، دو جلد، فرهنگ معاصر، چاپ سوم
عمید، حسن. (1384)، فرهنگ فارسی عمید، 3جلد، مؤسسۀ انتشارات امیر کبیر، چاپ دهم، تهران
کاپلستون، چارلز فردریک. (1388)، تاریخ فلسفه، جلد یکم: دورۀ یونان و روم، ترجمۀ سید جلال­الدین مجتبوی، شرکت انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی، چاپ هشتم، تهران
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, (2003), Merriam Webster Incorporated U.S.A, 11th edition
Parkinson, G. H. R.(editor),(1993),  Routledge History of Philosophy: The Renaissance and Seventeenth-century Rationalism, Routledge, London and New York, first edition
William, L. Reese, (1996), Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, Humanities Press, New Jersey, New and Enlarged edition, first publication