Document Type : Research


1 Professor of International Relations at Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 PhD Student of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University


Designing Social Research: The Logic of Anticipation focuses specifically on the quantitative social research designs. The main objective of the book is the introduction of main elements in conducting research in social sciences. Moreover, it provides an appropriate review on issues that students, professors, and researchers of social sciences face in designing their research or thesis. Using technical terms of research methodology, unambiguous diction, and comprehensive elaboration all prove the efficiency of the author in writing such a scientific work. Most of the book has the sufficient literature review and its evolution. The author, Norman Blaikie, starts his introduction with preliminaries of research and its details. Introducing The Logic of Anticipation, pointing out the role of theory in social sciences research, and providing critical understanding of research principles are among main objectives of this book. Finally, the book presents four topics related to social research as examples for research in four paradigms (inductive, deductive, reproductive, and abductive).


Main Subjects

بلیکی، ‏‫ نورمن. (1387). طراحی‌ پ‍ژوه‍ش‌ه‍ای‌ اج‍ت‍م‍اع‍ی‌، ت‍رج‍م‍ه‌ ح‍س‍ن‌ چ‍اوش‍ی‍ان‌، ت‍ه‍ران: ن‍ش‍ر ن‍ی‌
Blaikie, Norman. (2007). Approaches to Social Enquiry (2nd edn.). Cambridge: Polity.
Blaikie, Norman. (2003). Analyzing Quantitative Data: From Description to Explanation, Sage publication Inc.Enquiry (2nd edn.). Cambridge: Polity.
Chomczyński, Piotr. (2010). Book Review: Designing Social Research. The Logic of Anticipation. 2nd Edition by Norman Blaikie; Qualitative Sociology Review, Volume VII, Issue 1 – April 2011.
Inayatullah, Sohil. (1998). Causal layered analysis: post structuralism as method” Futures, 30(8): 815-829.
Inayatullah, Sohil. (2007). questioning the future, (3rd Edition) aipei, Taiwan: Tamkang University Press.
Montesano Montessori, Nicolina. (2012). Book review: Norman Blaikie, Designing Social Research, Discourse & Society March 2012: 204-206.