Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Political Sciences, University of Tehran


Robert Dahl, as we know, is one of the political scientists who has a scientific approach to politics and political science and seeks to present politics as a science. In his book "Modern Political Analysis", he outlines his main positions on the concept of politics and how to analyze politics. The book, on the one hand, belongs to the power-oriented tradition of politics and, on the other hand, replaces a different concept of "influence" with the concept of power, claiming to have provided a scientific method for studying and looking at politics as well as a scientific model for practical policy and policy making. In this article, we will review the strengths and weaknesses of this book. This article contains some general critiques, including a critique of the book's scientist approach, its emphasis on influence as the main concept of politics, what modern political analysis is, and the consequences of this view of politics.


Main Subjects

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