Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan

2 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan


One of the important books written about contemporary area of Arabic poetry is “Semantic & Artistic Aspects of Contemporary Arabic Poetry” by Azlodin Esmaeili, the famous critic of Arabic literature. This book was published in 1391 and translated by Seyyed Hossein Seyyedi, and was titled artistic and semantic aspects of contemporary Arabic poem of Taraneh Mashhad publications. One of the most important relationship bridges among languages, cultures, and literature of various countries is the translation. This study, investigating the relationship between substation and companionship that a famous linguist Saussure
has talked about, investigated the present translation. The present study has engaged in problems from the view of descriptive-interpretive method, by emphasizing the product-oriented (descriptive) translation studies. He has analyzed them, has presented the suggested translation. In general, it can be said that in spite of the efforts and a lot of translating problems in transferring contents from the source language into the target language, the translation of the mentioned book has confronted many difficulties that can be resulted from the loss of exact understanding or enough accuracy between the source language and the target language, and idioms have beneficial usages in the area of words and idioms in these languages.


Main Subjects

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