Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor, Arabic Language and Literature, Yazd University


Preparing an academic course is an urgent need which makes university instructors write books and textbooks. Ali Salimiś book "Criticism and Critics in Arabic Literature", deals with Criticism in Arabic Literature. It is a pedagogical text containing: a table of contents, a preface, and three chapters (on the development of criticism, literary elements, and renowned critics).The stated purpose of the writer is to have an overview of literary criticism and its development in the classical and modern Arabic literature. After a careful analytic study, the following qualities are enumerated as the advantages in the format of book: covering, binding, lettering, pagination, titling, and paragraph writing. The related flaws include simple covering design, typing mistakes, poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and poor eloquence. In terms of content, the advantages are good table of contents, impartiality, accordance with Islamic principles, and the sciences curriculum. The negative points in content are inconsistency between the titles, poor referencing, ambiguity in academic accordance, mismatch between title, content, and course objectives, and poor terminology. All in all, it is worth mentioning that the book is qualitatively poor, and this article aims to offer points in settling the flaws. Observing these suggestions can make the book fit for educational purposes.


Main Subjects

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