Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University (Corresponding author)

2 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University


The book "A Selection of Masterpieces of Arabic Literature in the First Abbasid Period " written by Mirloohiis one of the works that the writer has selected, and the examples of prose and poetry of the first Abbasid era have been translated and analyzed. The study of the book shows that this work, while having concessions, is free of defects. This essay aims to observe the principles of critique, using a descriptive-analytic method to determine the extent of adherence of the author to the standards and rules of writing the critiques.  A careful review of the book suggests that this work has some shortcomings in content and form. Some of the most fundamental of which are as follows:  addressing unnecessary topics such as the poet's biography and neglecting some of the essential topics, such as the Abbasid era poetry. There are many typographical errors found in the book that could give the beginners inaccurate information and even mislead the readers.


Main Subjects

حیدری، غلامرضا (1380)، آیین نگارش، ج 2، زنجان: نیکان کتاب.
زرینکوب، غلامحسین (1361)، نقد ادبی، تهران: امیرکبیر.
سلطانی، محمدعلی (1369)، «ضرورت و شیوة نقد کتاب»، آینة پژوهش، س 1، ش 1.
سیاوشی، صابره (1391)، «بررسی و نقد ترجمۀ کتاب تاریخ ادبیات عربی»، پژوهش‌نامة انتقادی متون و برنامه‌های علوم انسانی، س 12، ش 2.
صاد، علی (1392)، روش نقد، قم: هجرت.
میرلوحی، سیدعلی (1392)،مختارات من روائع الأدب العربی فی العصر العباسی الأوّل، تهران: سمت.