Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Islamic Human Sciences, Department of Philosophy of Islamic Human Sciences in Iran


Criticism  of  "The Relation  between  Science  and  Religion in  the West" The relation  between  science  and  religion is one of the most controversial topics in contemporary ages. Several books and articles are published in Persian and other languages. "The Relation  between  Science  and  Religion in the  West", written by Mohammad Rezaey Esfahany, is one of them. This book is written for students, but it is not a textbook.Simple literature, small volume of book pages and user-friendly phrases are some of the privileges of this book. However, inconsistency of volumes of chapters and no connection between main titles and subcategories decreased the coherence of book.  The title of book does not correspond to its content. The content of this book does not show all kinds of relations between science and religion. If focuses only on the conflict between them and on social and psychological aspects of them and spoke about causes of church opposition with Galileo.The author used Popper and Kant's principles to solve this conflict, and this usage threatens the value of religious proposition from other aspects. 


Main Subjects

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