Document Type : Research


PhD in Western Philosophy, Assistant Professor, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


Place and role of God in Hegel’s philosophy have become one of the most controversial problems in philosophy and interpretation for the past two centuries. The main distinction between the two Hegelian movements (the left and the right wings) depends on how we answer this issue. Contrary to the development of modern philosophy which has gradually diminished the place and role of God in the explanation of the world, Hegel brought this concept into the center of philosophy once again; he revived the arguments, and put it on the throne, although with a new name: Absolute Spirit.
At the moment the most important question is the relationship between Hegelian Absolute Spirit and Christian God. Did Hegel make philosophy theological or theology philosophical? Did Hegel bring God into its high place or did he negate the common-theological concept of God?
In Hegel’s Concept of God, Quentin Lauer attempts to deal with these questions. Although the reader cannot derive explicit answers for these questions, he or she can understand the approach of the writer about Hegelian analysis of the concept of God, and consequently grasp a brief impression of Hegelian metaphysics.


Main Subjects

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Lauer, Quentin (1982), Hegel’s Concept of God, Albany: State University of New York Press.
Shook, John R. (2005), Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, Bristol: Thoemmes.