Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Philosophy, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


This paper is aims to review the book entitled Review of History: What and Why? byBeverley Southgate. Our findings show that this book is not an original work which contains speculations of the author, but it is an elementary text book about one of the most important questions of the philosophy of history, i.e. Does history have any kind of objectivity? In a good manner, he gathered views of the former as well as the latter.  Also, he shows that how the history, as a disciplines affected by other fields of humanities. Its language is simple and has a logical structure. But relativistic and subjectivist approach of the author is one of the challenging aspects of this book in Iranian philosophical atmosphere. This book is old and its subject matters are very limited.


Main Subjects

پیکانی، جلال (1394)، «فلسفه درمقام روشنفکری»، در: سورة اندیشه، ش 86، مهر و آبان.
خاتمی، محمود (1391)، مدخل فلسفة غربی معاصر، تهران: علم
زرینکوب، عبدالحسین (1385)، تاریخ در ترازو، تهران: امیرکبیر
طباطبایی، سیدجواد (1386)، دیباچه‌ای بر نظریة انحطاط ایران، تهران: نگاه معاصر.
کریچلی، سایمون (1387)، فلسفة قارهای، ترجمة خشایار دیهیمی، تهران: ماهی.
Southgate, Beverley (1996), History: What and Why?, London and New York: Routhledge.