Document Type : Research


1 Post Docoral Researcher of Economics ,Alzahra University

2 Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University


The content of the book "Resistance Economics, from Theory to Practice" includes theoretical foundations and challenges in the field of resistance economy, the conditions for its realization and its achievements. In this regard, using a 6-loop management model, a theoretical and a practical review of the resistance economy has been studied. Model loops include: leadership and management, decrease dependencies, modifying structures, infrastructure development, people-centered and communications, and global interactions. The structure of the book is news-based and sermon, and economic analysis has not been used. The lack of use of up-to-date statistics, measuring instruments in economics, and inadequate analysis of the structure of the Iranian economy, are its shortcomings. In general, the book can be used to gain general information on the resistance economics and the problems of the Iranian economy. However, in the field of economic analysis, especially the subject of literature and the scientific tools used, there are many deficiencies.


Main Subjects

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