Document Type : Research


Assistant professor and faculty member of Imam Sadiq University(female paradise)


One of the most importing factors in teaching Arabic Language for non- Arabic speakers; is choosing a text book. Actually, a textbook is considered as a book that involves academic contents. Hence, authors and experts believe that the selected textbook should involve the features of a good quality book. On the other hand, most organizations and institutes demand the necessity of compiling a good Arabic textbook due to the lack of appropriate textbook in teaching Arabic language in academic levels for non-Arabic speakers and a significant difference between composing textbooks in (Arabic) as a first language and as a language for non- Arabic speakers. This study seeks to identify appropriate indicators and standards for composing appropriate textbook by analyzing the series of (Alkilabi in learning Arabic) as one of the first and most famous books in this field in other countries.  The study shows that Alketab series contain many features of a good book, but it is not inappropriate to be adopted as the main resource at universities or institutes due to Islamic cultural conflicts.


Main Subjects

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