Document Type : Research


Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Al-Zahra University


The book of “Literary Studies Theory and Implications for Quranic Texts” is a group of lectures which have been taught by  Alraghib in Aleppo University where he put them in an independent book in 2005 for many purposes like  a. readers’ awareness by statement miracle, b. understanding the expressions of Quran's secrets and getting up its statement.  This article discussed, explained and searched in the characters, describing, and analyzing the book. He tried to find the places of seriousness and simulation then put proposals for modification to be a useful way in the Iranian University Curriculums which are as follows: giving a curriculum and originality for study, interesting in documentation and employing the margins, reconsidering in the rules regulation, Prevention the dominance of sub studies up on the basic ones, or the religion style up on the technical one, investigation of seriousness by providing logical and objective answers which can fight learners, and Providing the book with exercises and supplements. The Research methodology is descriptive, and the analysis tends to have extrapolation.


Main Subjects

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