Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Sociology, Allameh Tabataba’i University


The aim of this article is to critically evaluate Sociology of Revolution and Social Revolutions written by Mohamad Taghi Sabzeie. The author attempts to provide a book for sociology of revolution. In this book, at first, the concept of revolution and similar concepts like coup, riot, and social movement have been raised. Second, the process of revolution’s elements (ideology, mobilization, organizing and leadership) was taken into consideration. Then the author deals with the explanation of revolution. In this work, after mentioning the process and explanation of revolution, the consequences of revolution (social changes in post revolution society) have been raised. Finally, in the last chapter, different kinds of revolution like republican, communist, etc. are examined. The most important outcome of thecritical evaluation of this work with respect to the format is the loss of proper equivalence for English words. With regard to the content the loss of logical coherence is observed. At last, the author’s main objectives, which include offering theories about the revolution and paying attention to social revolutions, are not met which the main shortcomings of the present book.


Main Subjects

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