Document Type : Research


PhD of Archaeology, Historical Era, Tarbiat Modares University


For many years, Iranian and non-Iranian archaeologists have conducted archaeological research in the peripheral territories of the Persian Gulf as well as its depths, and they have gained valuable achievements. These achievements are mostly in the form of papers, most of which are in English. There are several books on this area, which are published in English. Although some books have also been written by Iranian and non-Iranian scholars, the lack of a comprehensive monograph on the Persian Gulf from the archaeological point of view has been very tangible and obvious. Recently, a Persian book titled, Archaeology of the Persian Gulf in the Parthian and Sassanid Eras, has been published in Persian, encompassing surveys, excavations, and studies conducted by archaeologists in the northern and southern parts of the Persian Gulf in two broad periods of Iranian history, i.e. the Parthian and Sasanian eras. Therefore, the importance of the subject and national sensitivity of the Persian Gulf region justifies the need to evaluate and review the afore-said volume. A critical look at this valuable work reveals some shortcomings in literary editing, coherence, and logical intra-chapter and inter-chapter order of the material, long titles of some chapters, lack of congruency and concordance between the titles and the content in some chapters, an imbalance in dealing with the background of north and south coastal studies in the Persian Gulf in terms of the sequence of chronology, and the existence of few deficiencies in referencing and indexing.


Main Subjects

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