Document Type : Research
1 Associate Professor of Archaeology, Tarbiat Modares University
2 PhD Student of Archeology, Tarbiat Modares University and Archaeologist at Tehran's Cultural Heritage Bureau
The ancient city of Rayy is a symbol of the social and cultural life of Iran prior to the arrival of the Mongols. The economic, cultural, and social flourishing of this city during the Islamic era led the city to be mentioned under different names, including the Bride of Cities, Om-al-Belad, and Sheykh Al-Belad in some historical sources. “The Book of Rayy: From Its Origins to the Mongol Invasion an Archaeological and Historiographical Study” is about the latest archaeological studies and the urbanization history of the ancient city of Rayy. The book which is written by Roco Rante with cooperation of Ghadir Afrund, was published by Brill Holand Publications in 2014. This book, which combines archaeological data resulted from two seasons of archaeological excavations in 2006 and 2007 in Rashkan Castle of Rayy with historical texts, provides the readers with valuable information on archeology, history, and urbanization of Rayy in ancient times. However, like any other scientific work, the book has some shortcomings which will be discussed in the present article.
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