Document Type : Research


1 PhD in Art Studies, Shahed University, Tehran.Iran

2 MA in Dramatic Literature, Tehran University of Art, Faculty of cinema and theater.


The purpose of writing this essay is the content critique and the form of the book of Drama and the Semiotics of Theater. The book is one of the most important books of the theater and drama analysis. This book focuses on the theoretical and methodological theories in the context of Structuralism semantic attitudes, and in this regard, the author sought to conceive concepts that somehow can be regarded as the main concepts and underlying themes of theater analysis. An analytical and applied methodology is presented to audiences who are interested in familiarizing themselves with the dynamic world of theater or seeking semantic methods for analyzing the theater. The main issue of this paper is the question of how the semiotics can analyze and interpret the theater and reveal the angles of understanding and comprehending the complexities of the world of theater and drama. The necessity and importance of a critical look at the book of semiotics of theater are for the more precise analysis, as well as the explanation of the mechanisms and functionalities of semiotic science in the analysis of dramatic texts. For this reason, showing the importance of the book of theater and drama semiotics is essential by revealing its analytical functions to guide the audiences and students who are concerned with theater semiotic analysis.


Main Subjects

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