Document Type : Research


PhD Student, Comparative and Analytical History of Islamic Art, Tehran University of Art


Different approaches were taken by scholars in the field of Islamic art studies, each placing their reliance on different concepts. In the meanwhile, historicism is based on two elements of embeddedness and interpretation. In this approach, the center of gravity of studies corresponds to understanding the cultural concepts of objects and the architectural works in the specific time and place embed of producing these works, hence the factors, roots, and embeds of the realization of Islamic art is historically studied and its meaning is investigated as interpretation . Some critics' misinterpretations about the historical approach to Islamic art studies led to the concept and semantic confusion in this approach, therefore, the present study mainly concerns about providing a clear definition of the concept of historicism and its methodology through introducing and criticizing one of the most prominent works written by this approach. The Book of "The Ilkhanid Shrine Complex at Natanz, Iran", written by Sheila Blair is a striking example of the historicism approach that is of particular importance in terms of the methodological understanding of such studies.


Main Subjects

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