Document Type : Research


1 Expert in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Research Institute, PhD Candidate in Comparative and Analytical

2 Assistant Professor in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Research Institute


One of the published books in handicraft is the Book “Recognition of Handicrafts of Iran”, which is introduced as a textbook for students of Tourism Management, Hotel Service Management, and Customs Management courses. This paper reviews and criticizes this book. After introducing the book, first formal criticisms and then content criticisms are presented. Research method of this paper is a critical-analytical method through which shortcomings and mistakes are highlighted.   It is shown that the work could not be used as a student textbook and it is not comprehensive as a scientific book. Lack of using scientific and historical resources for expressing the contents, lack of sufficient explanation in specialized titles, lack of appropriate scientific tools and repetitious contents are some weaknesses of this book. These pitfalls have a significant role on the negative impact on the audience’s knowledge, so it is not a suitable bookto be taught in the university. At the end, some suggestions are made to fix the shortcomings.


Main Subjects

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یاوری، حسین (1382)، آشنایی با هنرهای سنتی 1، تهران: صبای سحر.
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