Document Type : Research


1 PhD in Analytical and Comparative History of Islamic Art

2 PhD in Clinical Psychology, Assistant Professor of Art Studies, Shahed University

3 PhD in Art Studies, Assistant Professor, Shahed University

4 PhD in Fil Studies, Assistant Professor, Art University of Tehran


The relationship between cinema and religion has been discussed in Iran and the west. But, due to the perspective diversity of religions, this relationship has been analyzed from different points of view. The main goal of the current research is to find the key differences between the perspectives of Christianity and Islam on cinema and critical analysis of the views of the scholars in this field. To this end, two major common themes, i.e. the relationship between cinema and religion and the possibility of the realization of religious cinema as well as the relationship between form and content in religious cinema, have been discussed from the point of view of the theoreticians of the religious cinema in Iran and America. Among Iranian scholars, we have discussed the views of Seyyed Morteza Avini, Mohammad Madadpour and Nasrollah Tabesh concerning the religious cinema and with regard to the part devoted to the ideas of western scholars, we have referred to the translated works by Robert K. Johnston, Clive Marsh, Bryan Stone and Margaret Miles. This study concludes that despite the attention paid by some Muslim theoreticians to key issues and the emergence of new ideas concerning religious cinema in Christianity, the available theories have numerous deficiencies and no efficient theory has been developed yet. This research is fundamental in terms of objective and is descriptive-comparative in view of its implementation method.


Main Subjects

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