Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Russian Language Department, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Associate Professor, Russian Language Department, Tarbiat Modares University

3 MA, Russian Language Department, Tarbiat Modares University


This research is dedicated to the analysis of Russian-Persian dictionaries standardization in terms of the observance of microstructure and macrostructure criteria in lexicography. The obvious note in this study is to use the criteria of dictionary standardization in Russian lexicography for analyzing Russian-Persian dictionaries. In lexicography, the structure of dictionaries is divided into two main sections: microstructure and macrostructure. For each of these sections, relevant requirements have been defined. Macrostructure contains the general structure of dictionaries. For the bilingual dictionaries, macrostructure includes order of headwords, preface, instructions, abbreviations list, grammatical information, and appendixes. The microstructure of dictionary is general structure of the dictionary entry. For bilingual dictionaries, this is headword, phonetic information, grammatical information, discrimination of meaning, semantic information, equivalents and the references. Dictionary, which is based on the standard criteria of macrostructure and microstructure, is called a standard dictionary. In this research, the principles and criteria for dictionary compiling are first gathered from Russian references, then on their bases, we examine the three most commonly used Russian-Persian dictionaries in Iran in terms of compliance with these standards. Three analyzed Russian-Persian dictionaries are: "Russian-Persian dictionary" edited by I. K. Ovchinnikova, "Russian-Persian dictionary" by G. A. Voskanyan and "Russian-Persian dictionary" by S. D. Klevtsova.


Main Subjects

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