Document Type : Research


PhD the University of La Rioja, Spanish Professor of the Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Iran


In this article the suitability, from a methodological point of view and due to its significant success, of using the book “How to comment a literary text”, by Fernando Lázaro Carreter and Evaristo Correa Calderón, as a basic manual for the acquisition of literary skills in different subjects, such as “Analysis and comment on literary texts”, “Examples of prose and poetry” and “Spanish literature I, II and III”, will be addressed.  This book is being taught at Iranian universities in the Spanish language degree studies. Moreover,taking into account the major significance it has acquired, due to its methodological excellence, it has been used in the secondary and university education, both in Spain, Hispanic America and in other countries of the world where the Spanish language is taught as a second language, to the point that it is systematically included as one of the fundamental bibliographical references in the literature studies of diverse eras, authors and specific literary movements and, undoubtedly, in analyzing and commenting literary texts.


Main Subjects

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Lázaro Carreter, Fernando and Evaristo Correa Calderón (1957), Cómo se Comenta un Texto en el Bachillerato, Salamanca: Anaya.
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Navarro Durán, Rosa (1995), La Mirada al Texto, Comentario de Textos Literarios, Barcelona: Ariel.
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Rodríguez-Martínez, Francisco (2016), “El Comentario de Textos Literarios en Educación Secundaria: Evolución Metodológica y Papel de la Literatura Comparada”, Ocnos, vol. 15, no. 2.
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Salvador, Vicent (2009), “Virtualidades Educativas del Análisis Textual”, Lenguaje y Textos, no. 30.
Tusón, Amparo and Manuel Vera (2009), “El Comentario de Textos”, Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura, no. 52.