Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Spanish Language Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-North Branch

2 Lecturer of Spanish Language, Foreign Languages Faculty, Islamic Azad University


The foregoing article is a study on the teaching Spanish language at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Islamic Azad University (North Branch) in Tehran, along with the critical review on the usage of the Manual of Carreter and Tusón, and the correspondence of the textbook with the teaching methods available in Iran. To this end, we present this work thoroughly, review and criticisms that result from some years of teaching experience in the Islamic Azad University of Tehran. Also, by designing a questionnaire of ten questions, We evaluate its goals. The results include the views and suggestions of the professors, masters. and students of this field and suggest that this book is very effective for the educational mechanism of Iran and by adding only a few concepts insights by the professors, it will be up-to-date.


Main Subjects

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Lázaro Carreter, Fernando and Evaristo Correa Calderón (1974), Cómo se Comenta un Texto Literario, Madrid: Cátedra.
Lázaro Carreter, Fernando and Vicente Tusón (1977), Literatura Española 2º, Edic, Anaya: Salamanca.
Manzano Moreno, Eduardo (2017), “El Mito de Al-Andalus, Rechazar los Falsos Paralelismos Históricos es Necesario para Valorar el Legado Árabe”, Artículo Publicado en el Diario El País, 19 Nov.
Palacios González, Sergio (2011), Los Textos Literarios Clásicos Españoles en la Enseñanza del Español para Extranjeros (E/ELE), Tesis Doctoral del Departamento de Filología y Letras UAM: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Palacios González, Sergio (2017), Comentarios de los Textos Clásicos Españoles en la Enseñanza-Aprendizaje del Español como Lengua Extranjera, Lectura: En la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España).