Document Type : Research


1 Poet, Literary Critic, Republic оf Crimea, Russia.

2 Professor of Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran.


In this article, first we will give a brief reference to the history of Sonnet Genre and the crown of sonnets and how it entered into Russian literature. then, we will referred to the origin of the sonnet in the world literature, and then in Russia. We will review the effect of the Minarets, a crown of sonnets by Valery Mitrokhin, a poet from Crimea, that was founded on this basis. After Pushkin, the creator of the poetry Fountain of Bakhchisaray and the poem "To the Fountain of the Palace of the Bakhchisaray", in  poems of the other Russian poets, Crimea's irreplaceable space, his talent, geopolitical sensibility and his love to Crimea are tangible. The traces of the poems of the Pushkin Bakhchisaray are also seen in Mitrokhin's Minarets. The main hemistichs of the "Minarets" of Mitrokhin are artistic reflection of the Pushkin Bakhchisaray. The main issue in the "Minarets" of Mitrokhin is the peaceful life of people with various and prevailing opinions about the religions in the Crimea. By using this kind of literature, he focuses on geopolitics. So by criticizing the "Minarets" of Valery Mitrokhin, we can conclude that he follows Pushkin's will and, like him, believes in maintaining unity among the peoples of the Crimea, and the historical and natural symbols of geopolitics of Crimea has influence on the creation of his sonnets.


Main Subjects

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