Document Type : Research


1 Department of English, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


A critical glance at certain studies and articles on "Persian Word-selection", especially in some issues of Name-Ye Farhangestan quarterly, reveals the adopting a one-sided approach of science-oriented 'word selection' in response to the pacing overflow of foreign terms, particularly English. It is implied by reading and reviewing such studies that Iranian Academy of Persian Language and Literature (Farhangestan-e Zaban va Adab-e Farsi-ye Iran) has taken on-board the act of foregrounding the 'scientific word-selection' program via centralizing the approach of 'scientific word-selection'. In other words, the approach adopted in the studies and writings published by this planning institution are more towards centralizing the activity of 'scientific word-selection'. This is while equivalent-providing for the increasing input of foreign languages is not to be solely restricted to scientific words, or more expertly expressed, to scientific terms. Undoubtedly, lingual equivalent-providing covers a wider scope of language, incorporating the more general supra-scientific discourses as well as their related lexicology. The study of the mainstream trend of equivalent-providing in Persian language and the status and magnitude of the need for lexical equivalent-providing in other supra-scientific discursive fields, as compared with the scientific discourses, is the question which the present study is going to deal with.


Main Subjects

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