Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Western Philosophy, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Hegel and Nietzsche are mainly represented as two opposing poles in the nineteenth-century intellectual and philosophical sphere. Nietzsche has been introduced as the fierce critique of the Hegelian dialectic and the radical opposite to the modern metaphysics that Hegel was represented. This image has gradually faded away since the second half of the twentieth century. Although Hegel is the peak of modern metaphysics and Nietzsche as the initiator of postmodernism, criticizing metaphysics, but the philosophical similarities and conceptualizations of these two figures show the falsification or at least the inadequacy of this modern/postmodern duality. In spite of some superficial perceptions, Hegel and Nietzsche are very close in their intellectual and philosophical foundations. We can read Hegel by Nietzsche and Nietzsche by Hegel. This is the goal Elliot Jurist has outlined in Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche: Philosophy, Culture, and Agency. But for doing so, he put the concept underlying his work, which is very important for both philosophers: the concept of culture. The present article will review the book from three perspectives: First, a formal critique of the work; second, a critique of the author's general approach and, finally, a critique of the Persian translation of the book and his approach.


Main Subjects

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Jurist, Elliot L. (2000), Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche: Philosophy, Culture and Agency, Cambridge and London: MIT Press.
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