Document Type : Research


1 Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in International Relations, University of Tehran


End of the American Century book studies events of post 11 September and America status in the international system at the present. In order to address this issue, it is first of a kind to state and non-state rivals of the United States in the present era, which includes China, Russia, Brazil, and India, and then criticizes the performance and power levels of each of the above governments as a serious threat. For the future, Joseph Nye did not close the United States as a global hegemonic force but would suggest US strategy makers to work multilaterally in their engagement with the government’s powers to address the national security and global security challenges. A critique of the form and a method of content critique in the form of three indicators of structural critique, critique of power dynamics, and critique of the concept of power constitute a set of regular and categorized reviews, each of which has been discussed in this article.


Main Subjects

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