Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of International Relations,Razi University


The main issue of the Christian Rights Movement and American Foreign Policy by Mohammad Jamshidi is the impact of the Christian Right Movement on US foreign policy.The process of critique of the work has been done in four sections: form and content, positive features and shortcomings. The book's positive features formally include explicit goals, coherent introduction, logical conclusions of the end of the chapter, and the simplicity and validity of the text. Positive content features include research innovation, use of new and valid sources, and coordination of content with its fundamentals. The shortcomings include lack of coherence in the table of contents, lack of use of the table, the graph and the image in the presentation of concepts, lack of semantic communication between the final conclusions and the structure of the research completely. Content shortcomings include lack of an appropriate theoretical framework, lack of an analysis of the relationship between religion and politics in the United States, lack of an specific look at the relationship between the environment, politics and religion in the United States, an analysis of the environmental and related international organizations and the necessity of analyzing the logical connection between the content of the present work and its final conclusion.


Main Subjects

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