Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran


 Equality and Partiality is authored by American (with a Serbian descent) philosopher Thomas Nagle in political philosophy. In this book, the author tries to create a logical correlation between personal and non-personal goods, and by so doing he hopes to have unknotted the moral implications of partiality between these two concepts both in theory and in practice. In the practical sphere, Nagle puts more emphasis on economic aspects of equality among citizens than on the cultural, political, and social aspects. This paper   examines Equality and Partiality in three sections. It first concerns itself with the structure and appearance of the book, then it discusses the position of Nagle and his book in modern political philosophy, and it finally analyzes the content of the book and evaluates the achievement of the Nagle’s book in defending the school of impartiality especially on economic grounds. Nagle’s efforts focus on identifying the problems from his own personal and impersonal views about the social and economic inequality, with the equal presuppositions. Of course, these efforts have not led to clear-cut solutions.


Main Subjects

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