Document Type : Research


1 PhD in Political Science

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Tehran.


The book entitled “Theoretical Foundations of Politics in Multicultural Societies” has been written about the issue of multiculturalism and its theorizing. The question is, how should a political decision-making process be organized in a political community with different cultural, religious, and philosophical identities in a way that all members of the community have a peaceful co-existence. The book seeks to test the answers given to the question by examining the debates of contemporary liberalism and communitarianism. In other words, the general approach of the book is to defend communitarianism with a critical look at liberalism. The writer of the book analyzes and interprets the ideas put forward by communitarians and liberals from three perspectives of self, principles of political ethics, and policy of cultural differences. This paper will attempt to critically evaluate the book. The authors of this paper aim to answer the following questions. What is the focal point of the work? What is the purpose of this work and its place in the resources available in this area?


Main Subjects

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