Document Type : Research


Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Iran


 The present paper analyzes and criticizes the collection of articles on the “Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A pluralist Perspective” edited by Donatella Dellaporta and Michael Keating and translated by Mohammad Jafar Javidi and Majid Farham.  The author’s goal of writing this collection of articles is to facilitate interaction and communication between researchers and overcome existing stereotypes by recognizing the plurality of current approaches in the field of social sciences, and the purpose of this article is to facilitate the achievement of the same goals. There are 15 articles in the critique resulting from the teaching experience of a group of researchers at the European university institutes. These articles provide more familiarity to the audience than the theoretical conceptual and applied qualitative and compilation research. The authors of the hundreds of old and new sources have described documented and updated a number of ways. The topic of this paper can be used by professors and students in social sciences politics, international relations, and regional studies in methodological courses and research methods. These articles identify common points and complement the approaches discussed and combined them together. Assisting aristocrats on ontology and various methodologies, and conducting research projects are some of the outcomes of this critique. 


Main Subjects

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